dimanche 27 février 2011


This week, we have decided to analyze one advertisement of the Campaign MAKE POVERTY HISTORY

This UK campaign started in 2005, The three demands of the campaign were "Trade Justice", Drop the debt and more and "better" aid. Their first advert was named "Click".
Many famous people joined the cause like Brad Pitt, Georges Clooney, Bono, Kate Moss, Justin Timberlake, Kylie Minogue and many others ... So many actors, actresses, singers, models that feel concerned by extreme poverty.

The images were only filmed in black and white. The first person whom we perceive is Brad Pitt. Without understanding why, he begins slamming fingers,  image moves and every three seconds, we can perceive a new personality who slams fingers.
Isn't it surprising ?
Every slamming fingers, one child died about AIDS and extreme poverty ...
They do not want necessarily that we donated money, but that we are aware of the fact of what it happens around the world, and that we take part in the different actions led by MAKE POVERTY HISTORY 

"A child dies completely unessarily as a result of extreme poverty every 3 seconds..."

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