lundi 2 mai 2011

The Big Thunder Mountain

The Big Thunder Mountain (le train de la mine) is one of the more famous attractions in Disneyland Paris. It was built 19 years ago, at the opening of the park. Sunday, April 24th last, during the Easter weekend when the crowd was several ten of thousand visitors, an accident occurred. A 38 year old man was transported by helicopter at the hospital following an accident in the Big Thunder Mountain. An artificial rock made of resin separated from the attraction and then hit five passengers. Four of the five have no serious injuries but one suffered a head injury. Officers and handlers cannot explain this accident because all attractions are verified each day. 
At the Economic side :
The accident comes at a bad time while the turnover of Disneyland Paris - Walt Disney Studios declined in 2010 about 2.9 million to attain $ 685 3 million reflecting a decline in attendance from 3% to 15 million visits. At the Paris Bourse, investors are indifferent to the news. Euro Disney shares win 0.57% to 8.78€ after the first half hour of trading, while the CAC 40 lost 0.24%.

It’s important to be conscious of the risks that you can meet everywhere and consequently enjoy life.


This is an advertisement advertising against tobacco.

It shows that people smoke to be like their firends, when they are bored, in car, when they have difficulties in life. Tobacco is not like "Fashion", It'ss playing with health ! That's why, government assists with associations, to sets up advertisements, with free-numbers to permit that each personn that would like, at first, learn about the risks, and then, if he or she wishes, to stop smoking with the help of someone.

Recently, the Ministry of Health, in France, has introduced a new device. It responds to the entry into force of an European Directive in May 2005. France still resisted during this time but the health minister, Roselyne Bachelot, announced on Friday, April 16, that she have signed the order making the shocking images required on all packages. There are 14 differents pictures that we can see on all kinds of packages. Producers and sellers of tobacco, have only one year to sell their stock after April 16, 2011, they absolutely have to put these shocking pictures on their packets of tobacco.