This advert was created and broadcated in Sydney, in Australia. This short video takes place in a party, certainly a students party, which seems funny. We can look some guys who push a girl and a wife to drink alcohol in saying that everybody are doing that during the party. People drink a lot of shots. Little time after, a couple of students are in a bedroom, the boy goes out and lets the girl alone, unconscious and naked in the bed, because he feels sick via the alcohol. Three guys enter in the room and and close the door behind them. We could just think to the next events... The girl's unconsciousness to drink without limit would have certainly consequences with these malicious guys. This advert hasn't a lucrative goal. It's a campaign destiny to young people who must be aware of uncontrolled alcohol risks. is an awareness campaign on risks of alcohol. It's an awarness campaign on risks of alcohol.
Nowadays, many young people drink alcohol in parties because the others pressure them to drink alcohol and always more.
There are more and more anti-drinking averts but the campaigns are more or less efficient. In fact, according studies, people don't drink less alcohol but there are less people which drive when they are alcoholic. However, there are still a lot of alcohol-related rape: "BE AWARE"