This week, we chose to analyze a clothes’ ad. A H&M one, in this advert, there are some elements which will probably permit to H&M Company to sell a lot. First, a certain rhythm is imposed since the beginning. The three peoplewalk in the same time. People which are present haven’t the same type of physic, which show that H&M’s wears are accessible andagree to each. Secondly, the word “FASHION” signifies that H&M’s stores are the temples of the fashion. The celebrity Madonna is also an advantage for this ad because some of people would look for her. She incarnates beauty, mode, and success. Madonna decides to relook the young Chinese women. After many fittings, she tells her that the combinaison is made for her. It signifies that each woman could go to H&M with a bad style and go out dressed beautifully and with class, like a celebrity.
Note that all girls in the advertising are thin and pretty.